$7 for 7 days

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Enter your details below to claim your 7 day trial, unlimited studio sessions for $7.

Following your 7 day trial you will automatically roll over to our "Soul Membership" of $37.50/week unlimited studio sessions. If you choose not to continue post trial please notify admin via email before the end of the 7 days. 

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the word on the street

Don't Take It From Us...

"When I was younger I was fairly flexible, but the older I got this just deteriorated, posture, strength. Getting back to yoga has been a life saver, physically, mentally , spiritually. It is not just exercise, it is meditative and calming. It addresses the mind and body. I notice that on the days I practice my whole being says "thank you’.

If you are looking for something more personal, introspective and caring, try yoga. The yoga studio is beautiful. Your body and mind will thank you!"

Deborah Turner

I have joined up with many a yoga/ pilates studio, gym membership and personal trainers- and have faded from heights of enthusiasm and commitment to a lack of effort and eventual lethargy!

Ali’s unparalleled knowledge, her attention to listening to “where I was at” and her commitment to support me was both obvious and heartening.

Ali and her amazing team have the depth of understanding for each person’s needs, compassion for each person’s situation, and a driving force and unwavering commitment to motivate and guide each person to reach their best level of holistic wellbeing - and beyond!

Andra Muller

I was apprehensive about attending my first mobility and core class. No way could I touch my toes or even consider myself flexible. I had my arm twisted by one of the trainers at AFA to go and I have not looked back. Since improving my flexibility I have slashed over 2 minutes of my 5 km PB time. 

It does not matter what level you are, from a complete beginner who has never stepped foot in a studio, to someone who attends regularly. There are options and levels for every exercise.

If you are thinking about going but feel intimidated, have a go. 

Take it for me it is worth doing.

nick sewell